Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day

so, today finds me in another bad mood, just annoyed with it all, dropping things left and right, a dog that pees on everything, could be that i need to eat, not sure what that might be, tea for sure, hate these dark mornings, miss the sun, sick of grinding my teeth, feeling my nose congested, itchy scalp, sick of clouds, sick of snow, sick of spiders, sick of stinky stuff, where is my I AM HAPPY for a cupcake day? have to find the thing to be thankful for today...it is st patrick's day, i started the corned beef, might make bread and butter pudding but just am not in a cheerful gleeful mood, last year we were in the dc area at this time, visiting friends and family enjoying new sights, great food and getting lost every time we drove anywhere........those stately home tours and fabulous Lincoln Summer Home tour seem such a distant memory, I will never forget seeing my son hold the same handrail that President Lincoln used...that will be forever burned in my mind, thankful for him walking and talking and amazing me every day with some new tidbit!


Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I just spotted your blog. Not that I'm reveling in your misery or anything, but I had to laugh to myself when I read how down you were, knowing that you'd burnt the top on the bread-and-butter pudding. I have days like this too. Hopefully by now things are looking up. If not, find yourself a really big cupcake!

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Cool pix...I just found blog.
I love Organic Valley Milk in my tea...hope all is more calm with you now.